Death Race 2000, suckas!!! These creeps never even saw what hit 'em... besides my awful driving skills.
I hope you enjoyed the video. Please take a moment and follow my blog/subscribe to my YouTube channel if you did. Also, feel free to comment below. I appreciate any feedback. As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!

Hey, everyone! I'm the one and only, SuperGameGeek! Here you can find reviews, Let's Plays, and my opinions about certain topics in the video game industry. If you have any games you would like me to review, do a Let's Play about, or topics to talk about, send your requests to If you like what you see, please spread the word to others so they can get in on the fun as well. Thanks for watching/reading! Twitter: @SuperGameGeek. YouTube: IAmTheSuperGameGeek.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
SuperGameGeek Plays "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" - Part 14
An automatic turret that can vaporize you instantly? No problem. I got this!
I hope you enjoyed the video. Please take a moment and follow my blog/subscribe to my YouTube channel if you did. Also, feel free to comment below. I appreciate any feedback. As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
P.S. - I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
I hope you enjoyed the video. Please take a moment and follow my blog/subscribe to my YouTube channel if you did. Also, feel free to comment below. I appreciate any feedback. As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
P.S. - I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
Alyx Vance,
Episode Two,
Gordon Freeman,
Half-Life 2,
let's play,
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Hitman: Absolution review (
This is my review of Hitman: Absolution as seen on To read the review there along with other great articles, click HERE.
Six years after Blood Money’s release, Agent 47 finally makes his return in Hitman: Absolution. It was an interesting road to release as there was quite a bit of skepticism towards the changes IO Interactive had made to the Hitman formula. Screenshots and gameplay videos made longtime fans nervous as this new game seemed to focus more on action than stalking your target from the shadows. Even so, IO Interactive promised that this story-driven entry would deliver the Hitman game fans have been waiting for. Does Absolution absolve Agent 47 of his sins, or does it condemn him?
The stories in previous Hitman games have always been somewhat confusing since the missions intertwine i.e. the opera mission from Blood Money taking place before Hitman: Contracts. That is not the case with Absolution. In the aftermath of Blood Money, Diana, Agent 47’s handler with the Agency, has gone rogue. Because of this Agent 47 is sent to end her life and makes it all the way to her bathroom before putting a bullet in her stomach. However, as she lays there on the blood-soaked floor 47 listens to her last request and promises to fulfill it: protect a young girl named Victoria who was being experimented on to create the perfect killer. Since 47 understands what the girl must have been going through he takes her under his care. Unfortunately, there is more than one person searching for the girl and 47 must visit numerous locales to protect her from these villainous characters.
It’s not exactly mind-blowing, but the story does add some humanity to this seemingly emotionless killer. It proves that he does value honor and loyalty; and that there are people he does care about (besides the large paycheck wired to his account). It also delivers a more cinematic experience rather than placing 47 in random locations to kill his target. He goes to these different places in this game because the rabbit trail has led him there.
Is the focus on story necessary? Probably not; but it didn’t hurt the game at all. The story is interesting enough that once you start, you’ll want to see how it ends. Granted there are a few unanswered questions that will undoubtedly arise by the end of Absolution, but I won’t spoil those for you as they may be answered in the next installment.
The biggest changes IO Interactive made was to the gameplay. Gone are the large open maps with numerous ways to infiltrate your way closer to the target. Instead, missions are condensed into smaller, slightly claustrophobic sections; several of them having no target to assassinate. Each mission gives 47 a destination or target (sometimes multiple) to reach, but this doesn’t technically result in the game being linear. Instead, players often have multiple ways to reach the level exit or assassinate their target. Veteran Hitman players will miss the freedom from past games but there is a decent amount of variety to warrant multiple playthroughs of certain missions.
I write “certain missions” because the game is best when Agent 47 actually has targets to assassinate. There are a few missions that focus on simply evading the police or armed guards using the cover-based system designed for the game. For the most part, these missions are not enjoyable. They are often comprised of hiding behind chest-high walls avoiding enemies like they’re the plague. They can also be extremely frustrating when trying to complete them without being spotted.
While, on lower difficulties, you could shoot your way through to the exit killing anyone who gets in 47’s way (and due to frustration, there will be many who choose this option), that’s not the way Hitman is supposed to be played especially since it will destroy your overall score for the mission. Sure, the gunplay is the best the series has to date (that’s still not saying much) but 47 is supposed to be a ghost. Those who attempt to play the game this way will be making great use of the restart checkpoint option for a couple reasons.
The disguise system this time around is reminiscent of Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, but much harsher. If 47 takes a disguise that others are wearing, they will automatically become suspicious of him when he walks into distance. However, the NPCs in different uniforms have no inkling of suspicion. The problem with this is that NPCs wearing the same outfit become suspicious for no apparent reason. 47 could be walking casually down the street and yet the every person wearing the same clothing knows he’s up to no good. I do understand there are justifiable reasons IO Interactive went down this path. In reality, I know I would be suspicious of someone I didn’t know dressed up in uniform walking into my job. Also, if IO Interactive went the way of Blood Money, the missions would be too easy.
The problem is that there isn’t a balance. Players do have the opportunity to use “instinct” to sneak past the nearby enemies by blending in. Instinct is this yellow meter that allows 47 to blend in, to see where nearby enemies are located, and to point shoot which has 47 marking his targets before quickly taking them out. However, the blending in ability consists of 47 simply ducking his head or covering his face with his hand/hat which I personally feel shouldn’t be governed by some meter. It also costs a considerable amount of instinct to use this ability so decide where and when wisely. You also have a limited amount of time to blend in. On normal difficulty, enemies’ reaction times are tolerable. If you’re playing on hard or higher on the other hand, enemies can spot you in a second or less.
What’s even more frustrating about the disguises is the fact that 47 never wears a fallen enemy’s mask. In one mission, I subdued a member of SWAT hoping to wear his mask and avoid any suspicion down the road; but 47 didn’t put it on! He took the helmet and goggles, forcing me to still play hide-and-seek with the patrolling police officers. The funny thing is that the unconscious SWAT member (now undressed) wasn’t wearing a mask which leads me to believe 47 most likely stuffed the mask in his pocket as a souvenir.
This leads me to the next flaw: the AI… to an extent. The AI is fine when patrolling their routes or overwhelming you with their numbers when you’ve been spotted. The problem lies with their ability to detect you when you’re in disguise. Every cop, street vendor, custodian, paramilitary member, agency recruit, and armed security guard apparently knows everyone who works at the same job because, like I stated earlier, the moment you walk by someone in the same disguise they immediately become suspicious of the imposter. They also have eagle vision to justify their suspicion as enemies can spot 47 even when separated by great distances. It doesn’t even matter if you have 47’s back turned to them. If any part of his body can be seen by the AI, you have the chance of being called out as an imposter.
Be wary: if you do get called out in your disguise, you have no choice but to subdue or kill the psychic one who found you because that NPC will follow you wherever you go. I once ran out of their sight of view and hid in a container. As I peeked out to check if the coast was clear, I saw the guard turn the corner, walk right up to the container, and pull his gun out on me. How did he know I hid in that container?!
Thankfully, there are rare disguises that allow players the chance to move around freely which is a nice change of pace from hiding behind countless walls. The thing is, there are missions where the disguise system works and the game comes together beautifully. As I stated earlier, the missions that have you discovering alternative ways to assassinate your target are great and offer numerous disguises to work with. It also works because there are multiple types of NPC’s in the vicinity so you don’t have to hide from every one of them and their eagle vision. When this happens, and it does apart from several missions, Absolution feels like a Hitman game. I really enjoyed going back and experimenting the many different ways I could end the King of Chinatown’s life.
This is why “Contracts” is a great addition to the franchise. Contracts is not a multiplayer mode. Instead, it asks players to create their own contracts for other players to complete and compete for the best score. Players must mark their own targets, complete the objective how they choose, and then publish their contract for others to try and accomplish. Competing players will be asked to complete the contract exactly the way the creator did, all the way down the same outfit and weapon. It offers a great challenge and plenty of reasons to continue playing Hitman: Absolution.
The sound in the game is impressive. The orchestral sounds will make the silent kills that much more exhilarating. The music also changes to fit the atmosphere of the game. Agent 47 will have to make a trip to South Dakota where you will be greeted by tunes complimenting the open land.
I especially enjoy the attention to detail IO Interactive put into the game, such as the muffled screams of a soon-to-be subdued enemy and 47’s calm “shhh” while putting them to sleep. When taking a direct approach to your target or exit, the weapons sound powerful as rounds connect to create a disturbing sound of flesh tearing apart.
The voice acting drives the story as each character introduced has their own unique personality (some you may even know from other games). Even the guards’ scripted conversations are interesting to listen to at times.
Accompanying the sound is the notable look of the game. Aside from some questionable character models, the game looks good. Environments are amazingly detailed and varied throughout the game even if they are smaller than what Hitman fans are used too. The lighting in some of the missions can be a bit much, but it’s nothing game-breaking.
Now, the big question: Is Hitman: Absolution a real Hitman game? Yes. The game, although much different from its predecessors, is still a game that belongs in the Hitman franchise. Is it as good as Blood Money? No; not at all. However, it is still a decent game with great production values despite its two frustrating flaws. When it works, and in most missions it does, the game truly shows what IO Interactive is made of and that they can still develop a great Hitman game. The only real problems are that a balance is needed with this new disguise system and the psychic AI which IO Interactive is rumored to be looking into it. And if they do decide to patch those two flaws, I promise to update this review according to the patch.
If you’re a Hitman fan and have been eagerly awaiting this title in the series, it is worth the buy. If you’re new to Hitman property, I’d suggest renting it before going all in. Either way, this a new title that all must at least try out because the original assassin has finally made his return.
Be sure to check out for more reviews and news. Also, take a moment to follow my blog. I really do appreciate it! As always, thank you reading.
Six years after Blood Money’s release, Agent 47 finally makes his return in Hitman: Absolution. It was an interesting road to release as there was quite a bit of skepticism towards the changes IO Interactive had made to the Hitman formula. Screenshots and gameplay videos made longtime fans nervous as this new game seemed to focus more on action than stalking your target from the shadows. Even so, IO Interactive promised that this story-driven entry would deliver the Hitman game fans have been waiting for. Does Absolution absolve Agent 47 of his sins, or does it condemn him?
The stories in previous Hitman games have always been somewhat confusing since the missions intertwine i.e. the opera mission from Blood Money taking place before Hitman: Contracts. That is not the case with Absolution. In the aftermath of Blood Money, Diana, Agent 47’s handler with the Agency, has gone rogue. Because of this Agent 47 is sent to end her life and makes it all the way to her bathroom before putting a bullet in her stomach. However, as she lays there on the blood-soaked floor 47 listens to her last request and promises to fulfill it: protect a young girl named Victoria who was being experimented on to create the perfect killer. Since 47 understands what the girl must have been going through he takes her under his care. Unfortunately, there is more than one person searching for the girl and 47 must visit numerous locales to protect her from these villainous characters.
It’s not exactly mind-blowing, but the story does add some humanity to this seemingly emotionless killer. It proves that he does value honor and loyalty; and that there are people he does care about (besides the large paycheck wired to his account). It also delivers a more cinematic experience rather than placing 47 in random locations to kill his target. He goes to these different places in this game because the rabbit trail has led him there.
Is the focus on story necessary? Probably not; but it didn’t hurt the game at all. The story is interesting enough that once you start, you’ll want to see how it ends. Granted there are a few unanswered questions that will undoubtedly arise by the end of Absolution, but I won’t spoil those for you as they may be answered in the next installment.
The biggest changes IO Interactive made was to the gameplay. Gone are the large open maps with numerous ways to infiltrate your way closer to the target. Instead, missions are condensed into smaller, slightly claustrophobic sections; several of them having no target to assassinate. Each mission gives 47 a destination or target (sometimes multiple) to reach, but this doesn’t technically result in the game being linear. Instead, players often have multiple ways to reach the level exit or assassinate their target. Veteran Hitman players will miss the freedom from past games but there is a decent amount of variety to warrant multiple playthroughs of certain missions.
I write “certain missions” because the game is best when Agent 47 actually has targets to assassinate. There are a few missions that focus on simply evading the police or armed guards using the cover-based system designed for the game. For the most part, these missions are not enjoyable. They are often comprised of hiding behind chest-high walls avoiding enemies like they’re the plague. They can also be extremely frustrating when trying to complete them without being spotted.
While, on lower difficulties, you could shoot your way through to the exit killing anyone who gets in 47’s way (and due to frustration, there will be many who choose this option), that’s not the way Hitman is supposed to be played especially since it will destroy your overall score for the mission. Sure, the gunplay is the best the series has to date (that’s still not saying much) but 47 is supposed to be a ghost. Those who attempt to play the game this way will be making great use of the restart checkpoint option for a couple reasons.
The disguise system this time around is reminiscent of Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, but much harsher. If 47 takes a disguise that others are wearing, they will automatically become suspicious of him when he walks into distance. However, the NPCs in different uniforms have no inkling of suspicion. The problem with this is that NPCs wearing the same outfit become suspicious for no apparent reason. 47 could be walking casually down the street and yet the every person wearing the same clothing knows he’s up to no good. I do understand there are justifiable reasons IO Interactive went down this path. In reality, I know I would be suspicious of someone I didn’t know dressed up in uniform walking into my job. Also, if IO Interactive went the way of Blood Money, the missions would be too easy.
The problem is that there isn’t a balance. Players do have the opportunity to use “instinct” to sneak past the nearby enemies by blending in. Instinct is this yellow meter that allows 47 to blend in, to see where nearby enemies are located, and to point shoot which has 47 marking his targets before quickly taking them out. However, the blending in ability consists of 47 simply ducking his head or covering his face with his hand/hat which I personally feel shouldn’t be governed by some meter. It also costs a considerable amount of instinct to use this ability so decide where and when wisely. You also have a limited amount of time to blend in. On normal difficulty, enemies’ reaction times are tolerable. If you’re playing on hard or higher on the other hand, enemies can spot you in a second or less.
What’s even more frustrating about the disguises is the fact that 47 never wears a fallen enemy’s mask. In one mission, I subdued a member of SWAT hoping to wear his mask and avoid any suspicion down the road; but 47 didn’t put it on! He took the helmet and goggles, forcing me to still play hide-and-seek with the patrolling police officers. The funny thing is that the unconscious SWAT member (now undressed) wasn’t wearing a mask which leads me to believe 47 most likely stuffed the mask in his pocket as a souvenir.
This leads me to the next flaw: the AI… to an extent. The AI is fine when patrolling their routes or overwhelming you with their numbers when you’ve been spotted. The problem lies with their ability to detect you when you’re in disguise. Every cop, street vendor, custodian, paramilitary member, agency recruit, and armed security guard apparently knows everyone who works at the same job because, like I stated earlier, the moment you walk by someone in the same disguise they immediately become suspicious of the imposter. They also have eagle vision to justify their suspicion as enemies can spot 47 even when separated by great distances. It doesn’t even matter if you have 47’s back turned to them. If any part of his body can be seen by the AI, you have the chance of being called out as an imposter.
Be wary: if you do get called out in your disguise, you have no choice but to subdue or kill the psychic one who found you because that NPC will follow you wherever you go. I once ran out of their sight of view and hid in a container. As I peeked out to check if the coast was clear, I saw the guard turn the corner, walk right up to the container, and pull his gun out on me. How did he know I hid in that container?!
Thankfully, there are rare disguises that allow players the chance to move around freely which is a nice change of pace from hiding behind countless walls. The thing is, there are missions where the disguise system works and the game comes together beautifully. As I stated earlier, the missions that have you discovering alternative ways to assassinate your target are great and offer numerous disguises to work with. It also works because there are multiple types of NPC’s in the vicinity so you don’t have to hide from every one of them and their eagle vision. When this happens, and it does apart from several missions, Absolution feels like a Hitman game. I really enjoyed going back and experimenting the many different ways I could end the King of Chinatown’s life.
This is why “Contracts” is a great addition to the franchise. Contracts is not a multiplayer mode. Instead, it asks players to create their own contracts for other players to complete and compete for the best score. Players must mark their own targets, complete the objective how they choose, and then publish their contract for others to try and accomplish. Competing players will be asked to complete the contract exactly the way the creator did, all the way down the same outfit and weapon. It offers a great challenge and plenty of reasons to continue playing Hitman: Absolution.
The sound in the game is impressive. The orchestral sounds will make the silent kills that much more exhilarating. The music also changes to fit the atmosphere of the game. Agent 47 will have to make a trip to South Dakota where you will be greeted by tunes complimenting the open land.
I especially enjoy the attention to detail IO Interactive put into the game, such as the muffled screams of a soon-to-be subdued enemy and 47’s calm “shhh” while putting them to sleep. When taking a direct approach to your target or exit, the weapons sound powerful as rounds connect to create a disturbing sound of flesh tearing apart.
The voice acting drives the story as each character introduced has their own unique personality (some you may even know from other games). Even the guards’ scripted conversations are interesting to listen to at times.
Accompanying the sound is the notable look of the game. Aside from some questionable character models, the game looks good. Environments are amazingly detailed and varied throughout the game even if they are smaller than what Hitman fans are used too. The lighting in some of the missions can be a bit much, but it’s nothing game-breaking.
Now, the big question: Is Hitman: Absolution a real Hitman game? Yes. The game, although much different from its predecessors, is still a game that belongs in the Hitman franchise. Is it as good as Blood Money? No; not at all. However, it is still a decent game with great production values despite its two frustrating flaws. When it works, and in most missions it does, the game truly shows what IO Interactive is made of and that they can still develop a great Hitman game. The only real problems are that a balance is needed with this new disguise system and the psychic AI which IO Interactive is rumored to be looking into it. And if they do decide to patch those two flaws, I promise to update this review according to the patch.
If you’re a Hitman fan and have been eagerly awaiting this title in the series, it is worth the buy. If you’re new to Hitman property, I’d suggest renting it before going all in. Either way, this a new title that all must at least try out because the original assassin has finally made his return.
Be sure to check out for more reviews and news. Also, take a moment to follow my blog. I really do appreciate it! As always, thank you reading.
Blood money,
disguise system,
Hitman Absolution,
IO Interactive,
Hitman: Absolution disguise petition
Hey! My review of Hitman: Absolution will be up soon, but in the meantime I have a small favor to ask any who agree with me.
I'll admit right here and right now that, even though I really enjoyed the game, I wasn't to impressed with the disguise system.
The fact that disguises were as useful as your suit was kind of ridiculous. I came to this conclusion when I noticed that I was hiding behind a chest-high wall from cops while wearing the same uniform, and that I was less suspicious when crouching past them than walking casually.
Also, the fact that the AI could see through my disguise from great distances, whether my back was towards them or not, or if I was wearing and hat and glasses/goggles, was frustrating at times.
For this reason, I signed a petition to fix the disguise system and ask any of you who agree to do the same. I say fix because I don't want it changed; just altered to where it's actually a fair challenge. If you'd like to sign the petition, click HERE.
Us Hitman fans all appreciate it!
As always, thank you for reading!
I'll admit right here and right now that, even though I really enjoyed the game, I wasn't to impressed with the disguise system.
The fact that disguises were as useful as your suit was kind of ridiculous. I came to this conclusion when I noticed that I was hiding behind a chest-high wall from cops while wearing the same uniform, and that I was less suspicious when crouching past them than walking casually.
Also, the fact that the AI could see through my disguise from great distances, whether my back was towards them or not, or if I was wearing and hat and glasses/goggles, was frustrating at times.
For this reason, I signed a petition to fix the disguise system and ask any of you who agree to do the same. I say fix because I don't want it changed; just altered to where it's actually a fair challenge. If you'd like to sign the petition, click HERE.
Us Hitman fans all appreciate it!
As always, thank you for reading!
Friday, November 16, 2012
SuperGameGeek Plays "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" - Part 13
Return to sender, sucka!!!
Damn, that poor soul was just in the wrong place at the wrong time... It was still pretty funny, though.
Hope you enjoyed the video! Please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel/follow my blog. Also, feel free to comment below. I really appreciate any and all feedback! As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
Damn, that poor soul was just in the wrong place at the wrong time... It was still pretty funny, though.
Hope you enjoyed the video! Please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel/follow my blog. Also, feel free to comment below. I really appreciate any and all feedback! As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
Alyx Vance,
Episode Two,
Gordon Freeman,
Half-Life 2,
let's play,
Thursday, November 15, 2012
What's this ten-year-old doing in my M-rated game?
Over the past week or two, there have been some heated debates recently about children (and young teenagers) playing M-rated games. This is most likely due to the launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and the realization of how many young children and adolescents were waiting in line at the midnight release. The arguments go back and forth—some with valid points while some are quite idiotic and stubborn—but there is really only one justifiable response to this topic.
You can shout out the ESRB ratings, the warped minds of young ones, and morality all you want; what this simply comes down to is the parent/guardian. He or she is the only one who can decide what their child plays; not you, me or anyone else with an opinion. This isn’t ideal when you notice a twelve-year-old child receiving a copy of Battlefield 3 (and it may make you want to yell “Get your kid out of my M-rated game”), but there is nothing you can do.
The ESRB ratings, while being statutes for employees, are simply guidelines for the buyer; which in this case is the parent, guardian or respective adult. The majority of electronic employees won’t sell M-rated games to children. I mean, I’m still asked for identification at times. Nevertheless, if an adult is there with the child it’s completely up to him or her. If a father or mother feel their offspring can handle slicing and dicing human enemies in MadWorld, that’s their decision. Is it right? Who knows? The parent or guardian may not have the slightest clue on how to raise these children, or care what game they “play on their Xbox” even if they own a Playstation 3 (apparently everything is played on an Xbox to those who don’t know much about video games). If that is the case, then the fault is shoddy parenting.
Then again, who knows how mature this child or teenager is. Maybe his or her parents/guardians have taught them more than you could imagine a “youngin” to know and feels they are mature enough to play these games. I know this explanation is very unlikely but I’ve seen rarer things happen.
As much as I dislike seeing immature children and teenagers in online multiplayer lobbies, I remember that I used to play M-rated games when I was younger. I also watched R-rated movies and read H.P. Lovecraft horror stories, but I like to think I turned out alright. Yet, I was only able to do those things because my parents felt I was mature enough to play, watch or read them. If I wasn’t, they simply took it away from me. I still remember the day I rented Mortal Kombat 4 and my mother ripped it out of the N64 when she saw my character rip out someone’s spine.
If you disagree with the idea of this, then there is only one thing to do and it starts with you. Whether you are a parent, guardian, soon-to-be either, or hope to have a family some day in the future you decide what your child plays. Your decisions and knowledge can influence other parents along with your own offspring when they get older. Employees must also be there to help out by giving as much information as they possibly can to the prospective buyer.
However, decent parents know what is right for their children; and hopefully, they fully research the product they are about to purchase for their kids. Either way, they are the only ones who can tell their ten-year-old child if they can or cannot wait in line to get the new Call of Duty.
battlefield 3,
black ops 2,
call of duty,
mortal kombat 4,
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
SuperGameGeek Plays "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" - Part 12
Oh, God! What is that? Is that your... penis?!
Hope you like the video! Please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel/follow my blog if you do. Also, feel free to comment below. I really appreciate any and all feedback! As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
Hope you like the video! Please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel/follow my blog if you do. Also, feel free to comment below. I really appreciate any and all feedback! As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
Alyx Vance,
Episode Two,
Gordon Freeman,
Half-Life 2,
let's play,
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
SuperGameGeek Plays "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" - Part 11
We (regretfully, I might add) say goodbye to Chuckles... and Alyx gets some much-desired payback.
I hope you enjoyed the episode! Please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel/follow my blog. Also, feel free to comment below. Any feedback is appreciated! As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
I hope you enjoyed the episode! Please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel/follow my blog. Also, feel free to comment below. Any feedback is appreciated! As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
Alyx Vance,
Episode Two,
Gordon Freeman,
Half-Life 2,
let's play,
Sunday, November 11, 2012
SuperGameGeek Plays "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" - Part 10
Where is my automobile? Automobile?!
I hope you enjoyed the video! If you did, please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Also, feel free to comment below. Any and all feedback is appreciated. As always, thanks for watching. See ya next time!
I hope you enjoyed the video! If you did, please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Also, feel free to comment below. Any and all feedback is appreciated. As always, thanks for watching. See ya next time!
Alyx Vance,
Episode Two,
Gordon Freeman,
Half-Life 2,
let's play,
Friday, November 9, 2012
SuperGameGeek Plays "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" - Part 9
On my own again (except this time Baby Cakes is covering me from above) taking down enemy after enemy after enemy after enemy after enemy... You get the point.
I hope you enjoyed the episode! Please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel/follow my blog. Also, feel free to comment below. Any and all feedback is appreciated! As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
I hope you enjoyed the episode! Please take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube channel/follow my blog. Also, feel free to comment below. Any and all feedback is appreciated! As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
Alyx Vance,
Episode Two,
Gordon Freeman,
Half-Life 2,
let's play,
Friday, November 2, 2012
SuperGameGeek Plays "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" - Part 8
For your viewing pleasure, a demonstration on how "not" to fight a Guardian.
I hope you enjoyed the the video! Please take a moment to subscribe to my YouTube channel where you can watch more videos. Also, feel free to comment below. I appreciate any and all feedback. As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
I hope you enjoyed the the video! Please take a moment to subscribe to my YouTube channel where you can watch more videos. Also, feel free to comment below. I appreciate any and all feedback. As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
Alyx Vance,
Episode Two,
Gordon Freeman,
Half-Life 2,
let's play,
Thursday, November 1, 2012
SuperGameGeek Plays "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" - Part 7
Oh, look... it's a Guardian-- Oh, God! He's right behind me!
I hope you enjoyed this episode. Please take a moment to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Also, comment below. Let me know what you like, or what you don't. I appreciate the feedback. As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
I hope you enjoyed this episode. Please take a moment to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Also, comment below. Let me know what you like, or what you don't. I appreciate the feedback. As always, thank you for watching. See ya next time!
Alyx Vance,
Episode Two,
Gordon Freeman,
Half-Life 2,
let's play,
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