8. Little girl in vent – F.E.A.R.

Of course, a game with the title F.E.A.R. you expect it to be scary and to any of those who haven’t played this game (ya need to step it up and check it out), trust me, it is. This is mostly due to a little girl (whom I despise with a passion) named Alma. She shows up at certain points of the game out of nowhere sometimes screaming, sometimes talking, sometimes disappearing, but always scaring the gamer out of their seats. My most infamous moment with her, however, was when the player is crawling through a vent and suddenly at the other end she just appears. It doesn’t end there, though. Next thing you know she’s charging at you full force in the vent and you have nowhere to go. All you can do is close your eyes and pray when all of a sudden, she’s gone again. I hate little girls.
7. Revving of the Chainsaw – Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4, while one of the greatest games ever made, was a huge departure for the series. Instead of relying on tank controls and fixed camera angles, RE4 gave players complete control of the protagonist, Leon S. Kennedy, and delivered an over-the-shoulder camera. This resulted in a loss of the horror aspect for many longtime fans of the franchise. For myself, the game still had its scares, but I did notice the change from survival horror to action horror. Even so, while I may have been confident in my destruction of Las Plagas (the mind controlling parasite), one sound drowned all the bravery I had. Hearing the roar of that chainsaw after the potato-sack wearing Las Plaga pulled its engine cord instantly caused a panic to rise out of me. I would become frantic, running around the environment, searching for a good place to make a stand while keeping an eye out for the deadly foe as the chainsaw’s growl only neared my position. My worst encounter with this fiend occurred when I heard the chainsaw’s engine come alive and, quickly realizing he was behind me, turned a hundred-eighty degrees only watch my favorite Resident Evil character (since his first appearance in RE2, mind you) have his head cleanly sawed off. Damn you, potato-sack man!
Closing comments
I hope you enjoyed “Part Two” as much as I enjoyed writing. It’s great to relive and express some of your favorite memories in video games; especially the ones that almost gave you a heart attack. “Part Three” will be up tomorrow, so please drop by and check it out. If you had a moment that scared you silly, feel free to discuss it in the comment section. As always, thank you for reading.
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