Before continuing with my “Scariest Moments in Gaming” segment, some disturbing news has come to my attention. Apparently two United States congressmen—representatives Joe Baca of California and Frank Wolf of Virginia—are pushing for a law that requires the video game industry to place warning labels on all video games with ESRB ratings from E for Everyone to AO for Adults Only.
The warning label would read:
Warning: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior.
Representatives Baca and Wolf followed up with this quote:
"Just as we warn smokers of the health consequences of tobacco, we should warn parents – and children — about the growing scientific evidence demonstrating a relationship between violent video games and violent behavior," Wolf said in a news release. "As a parent and grandparent, I think it is important people know everything they can about the extremely violent nature of some of these games."
First of all, where has this supposed link to aggressive behavior been confirmed? Is there a scientific study? If so, I've yet to see it. That should be the first argument brought to the table in order to provide support for this ridiculous belief. Second, linking a product that causes bodily harm to users to video games does not validate your point. Smoking has been scientifically proven to cause cancer; and people diagnosed with lung cancer have publically announced tobacco has led to this. There has never been a person incarcerated or arrested who claimed, “I stole that car because of Grand Theft Auto” or “I jumped on his head because of Super Mario.” The push for this law has no support besides ignorant followers who believe everything they hear.
Representatives Joe Baca (top) and Frank Wolf (bottom)
This is also complete waste of taxpayer money. There are larger concerns in America than a harmless hobby. Let’s not forget that video games have been around since the 80’s. This is a hobby many people have participated in since then, which means large groups of voters in the United States are gamers. Attacking our hobby is not an intelligent political move if politicians hope to continue their “service” to the country.
No matter who you are, parent or child, you should not attack things you do not understand. I highly doubt these representatives have even attempted to play a video game today. Also, if you are purchasing a video game for a loved one, you should be the one to completely understand the elements of that video game. No one has the right to complain about a product that they have bought blindly. Do you see most people simply going into a car lot and picking up any random vehicle? No. People perform the research necessary to make the right purchase. This is done with countless products such as televisions, computers, furniture, etc.; and video games are no different.
Lastly, if the government was to actually follow through with this, why stop there? Why are video games being singled out? There should be warning labels put on everything that is a cause of violence or harm and promotes it. Even PG movies should require children to have the accompaniment of at least a seventeen year old. What about films with sexual content? I want warning labels on those to read:
Warning: Exposure to sexual content/nudity has been linked to lustful behavior.
Below are some comments I have found on the internet posted in response to this radical recommendation (names have been excluded due to privacy concerns). What do you think about the proposal of this law? Post your feelings in the comment section. As always, thank you for reading!
--Good for them! Stand for what you believe in! But hey, why stop there? Why not label every perceivable dangerous media. "Warning: Watching teletubbies may make your child gay" "Look out: Viewing Rachel Ray may make your child want to play with knives and fire" "Holy shit: Long exposure to Jersey Shore may make you retarded"
Well maybe the last one is true, but dammit I want these labels everywhere!
--how about putting warning signs on every piece of crap ever made?
warning: paper has been linked to paper cuts. use at your own risk. you may not sue the paper company due to cuts caused by paper!
--Considering how many people buy COD, GTA and GOW the world would be a very violent place by now if video games caused violence.
If you look at places in the world where violence takes place, you'll see that they don't even play games over there.
--If they do this, they should have to put it on all movies PG and up, whether there is violent content or not. After all, Tetris is E and it has no violence.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012
Representatives Propose Warning Labels on Video Games
frank wolf,
joe baca,
video games,
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These representatives are titdirt, they don't know anything about video games! By the way, great blog SuperGameGeek. Oh, and you got a new follower on twitter, good work!