Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Scariest Moments in Gaming (For Me, At Least) Part One

I felt like I’d do something a little different so you all can get to know me as gamer. I enjoy playing all different types of games, no matter if they’re family oriented or directed more towards the hardcore crowd. I like to say I’ve tried everything so I attempt to do so by holding no prejudice toward a game until I actually play it. Well, one genre I respect greatly is the “horror” genre. When I was younger (around 8) and I first played a Resident Evil, I was so scared I dropped the controller and shut the system off. However, after growing up a bit (and actually growing a pair), I looked back at all these games and realized all the great times I missed out on. In turn, I played as many games as I could, even if I couldn’t beat them, losing almost all control of my bowels when playing due to all the horrific scares I experienced.

Well, for this week, I’ve decided to let you all in on some of the moments that have scared me silly. They may not be the scariest but they stand out in my eyes. Yes, I know many of you tough-as-nails gamers out there may look at this list and laugh with pride about how nothing scares them but, in my opinion, that’s no fun. That’s the whole point of these games (well, most of them); to scare yourself shitless and trudge on knowing it’s going to happen again, and soon. So, before I ramble on any longer, here is part one of the moments during my many years of gaming that have left fear and humiliation in my heart:

Scariest Moments in My Gaming Career (Part One)

10. ReDead – Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

I know what you’re thinking, Zelda? Really? Well, let me tell you that the first moment I laid eyes on a ReDead, I was very young and I freaked out because there had never been anything in the game that was as creepy as these… things.I didn’t know what they were and they made this moan that sent shivers down my spine. I was trying to sneak by one when all of a sudden another ReDead I didn’t notice appeared right next to me. The speed at which it latched on to me, sucking and humping (I’m just stating what it looked like) my life away, I freaked and dropped the controller, scared out of my mind. Nevertheless, I would return later and seek my revenge on them for molesting me.

9. Being grabbed through the boards – Resident Evil 2

Early on in one of my favorite horror games of all time, there comes a point where you (Leon S. Kennedy) are searching the halls of a police station. You pass by some boarded-up windows and think nothing of it. However, once you find what you need, you must make your way back to the lobby. As you walk through the seemingly quiet hallway, many gamers (like me) thought nothing of the boarded windows. Suddenly, a barrage of zombie arms reaches through the boards and grabs Leon. Being a mere twelve years old, I dropped my controller trying to prevent my heart from jumping out of my throat.

I know what you’re thinking after reading this (well, I know what at least one of you is thinking): How can such a small moment in Resident Evil 2 (near the beginning of the game, mind you) hold a place in your list? Most may have overlooked this “cheap” scare at the beginning of the game, but it stuck close to me. Throughout the rest of the game, I avoided walking anyway next to windows, open doorways, cracks in the wall and dark corners. I was positive there would be a zombie, licker, or some other monstrosity waiting for me to stroll by unprepared. Hell, even a damn crow would cause me go into paranoia and take every forward step with the utmost caution. Nevertheless, I proudly finished the game and, soon afterward, grew a pair. Still, for my entire first playthrough of Resident Evil 2, I played while looking over my shoulder due to that one scene; and that is why it is one of my favorite horror games of all time.

Closing comments

If you laughed at me and wish to continue, or just genuinely agreed with these first two entries, I will be posting "Part Two" of this segment tomorrow; so be sure to check it out. As always, thank you for reading.

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