Riggs, mercy is the one thing I cannot give you.
Chapter 11: Alone
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Hey, everyone! I'm the one and only, SuperGameGeek! Here you can find reviews, Let's Plays, and my opinions about certain topics in the video game industry. If you have any games you would like me to review, do a Let's Play about, or topics to talk about, send your requests to ContactSuperGameGeek@yahoo.com. If you like what you see, please spread the word to others so they can get in on the fun as well. Thanks for watching/reading! Twitter: @SuperGameGeek. YouTube: IAmTheSuperGameGeek.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 10 (Parts 1 & 2)
Damn, this is one bad ass old man.
Chapter 10 - Part 1: Riggs
Get ready for some grenade launcher action!
Chapter 10 - Part 2: Stealing Water
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Chapter 10 - Part 1: Riggs
Get ready for some grenade launcher action!
Chapter 10 - Part 2: Stealing Water
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SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 9
Hmm... Choices, choices.
Chapter 9: The Road
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Chapter 9: The Road
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013
EA discontinues Online Passes, but what could this mean?
Several days ago, Senior Director of Corporate Communications John Reseburg announced that EA, from this point on, will discontinue the Online Pass.
If you're unsure of what this program is, Online Passes were a one-time use code that would be packaged with new video games. The Online Pass promised a new way to experience your video games when, in reality, it simply granted access to the online features on whatever particular console the code was redeemed on.
EA utilized this program to try and earn some money off of the used game market. After purchasing a used game, consumers would most likely end up with a used code. In order to partake in the online features a new code, usually costing $9.99, would have to be bought.
Although it didn't affect me entirely--due to the fact that I almost always by new games because I prefer to hand my money over to the developers rather than GameStop--people (including myself) hated this program and the level of greed it revealed from EA.
Fortunately, the program has been brought to a close. "Yes, we’re discontinuing Online Pass. None of our new EA titles will include that feature,” Reseburg confirmed in an email to GamesBeat. “Initially launched as an effort to package a full menu of online content and services, many players didn’t respond to the format. We’ve listened to the feedback and decided to do away with it moving forward."
Now, this is excellent news! They've listened to fan feedback and are responding in a positive light. So, why do I still feel uneasy about all this?
This uneasiness shows how much distrust I have for EA. This discontinuation is a victory, but what does this publisher have up their sleeve? I believe EA had two options to make money: Online Passes, and another option that hasn't quite been revealed to the public yet. After weighing out the two, they must have realized that, in theory, their revenue would increase if they followed the route without Online Passes.
This is all speculation, but with CFO Blake Jorgensen stating EA will be incorporating micro-transactions into all future games--a statement he later "clarified" by saying "all of our mobile games will have micro-transactions in them"--it causes one to ponder when and how consumers will receive the inevitable slap in the face.
For now, all we can do is savor the victory, and remain cynical of any future business moves EA decides to make.
SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 8
White phosphorus? Oh. My. God...
Chapter 8: The Gate
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Chapter 8: The Gate
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SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 7
We've got to help Gould!
Chapter 7: The Battle
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Chapter 7: The Battle
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Where is Supernatural: The Video Game?
I must be honest with you right now; I never did watch Supernatural
when it first aired. It actually wasn’t until the end of the fifth
season when I started the pilot episode. Even so, after those 42
minutes, I was immediately hooked.
Having been a fan of almost anything even remotely related to science fiction, fantasy and horror this show was too perfect for me. Seeing two badass brothers travel around the country and hunt demons, monsters and the like is incredibly entertaining. Plus, the tidbits of comedic relief really add to the characters’ development over the many episodes.
After plowing through each season (and continuing my viewing of the show weekly), I even purchased Supernatural: The Anime. Why? Because I enjoy watching anime and I enjoy watching Supernatural, and for the first time ever they were combined. However, I did lose a little respect for Jensen Ackles since he only voiced his character for the final two episodes whereas Jared Padalecki (who gained a lot of respect from me) voiced every one.
Regardless, Supernatural has been turned into many different forms of entertainment; but there is one form that is missing. Where is the Supernatural video game?! With all the content and lore provided from the television show, graphic novels, anime and novels, I am completely shocked that no company has attempted creating a video game based on this property.
Before I continue, I must warn you that I will make comparisons to other popular games. I understand that licensed games do not always fare well on the market, but I believe that if a developer takes the best parts from certain games they could have gold on their hands.
Now that I got that out of the way, imagine it now: you travel from city to city as the Winchesters, research the creature you’re hunting, switch between Dean and Sam (or incorporating some type of cooperative play) to learn as much they can and then finally vanquishing the monster from existence with the tools required!
Of course, fans of the show wouldn’t be the only interested party. While controlling the actions of the Winchesters may tickle many people’s fancy, who doesn’t enjoy taking out vampires, zombies and other creatures of the night?
To grant some freedom to the developer, another option could be the ability to create our own hunter (if done correctly). Let’s say the developers follow the route of Mass Effect, where players create their hunter but he or she is also given a voice to interact with others (maybe even the Winchesters). It could even further by giving players dialogue trees when questioning the locals about whatever gruesome scene or disappearance the hunter is investigating. And trust me; investigation needs to be an important part of gameplay.
Besides questioning people, and trying to get the right information out of them, the hunter needs to find clues. It’s the only way Sam and Dean ever find out what they’re actually going after. A system in the vein of L.A. Noire would work perfectly. There could be clues littered throughout multiple locations, and the hunter would have to examine them to discover their significance.
After finding the enough clues, the hunter would then have to check his journal and use it to decipher what creature was terrorizing the locals.
However, it would need to be difficult. That way, there is a feeling of accomplishment when you unravel the mystery. Unlike the show, the video game would not be restricted to 42 minutes. This gives developers a chance to really flesh out the case at hand and take risks the show cannot.
When it comes to combat, I feel Sleeping Dogs would give the best influence. Why? Because the game features exciting melee combat with a variety of weapons while also boasting competent third-person shooting gameplay.
The Winchesters utilize hand-to-hand combat and all sorts of weapons, including guns, to hunt evil. While not all of them would work against each monstrosity, this variety in gameplay would add greatly to replay value. Also, trying to figure out what course of action will actually work against the enemy as it tosses the hunter around the room could be extremely satisfying.
Now, since all the action could not take place in one city (unless there’s a good reason to) I believe separate, open world locations would be perfect. They do not need to be vast landscapes, just large enough to invite exploration and a change of scenery. There also should be enough room to drive the ’67 Chevy Impala; every Supernatural fan’s dream.
I understand this read may seem like a roller coaster as I jump from point to point, and it may not particularly specific, but I simply wanted to state how good a Supernatural video game could be. With all of these options it really makes me wonder why we haven’t seen one surface yet.
If anyone could do it, it would be Rockstar; but I cannot see such a high profile company spending resources on a licensed game. Another completely capable company would be United Front Games, the developer of Sleeping Dogs. I mean, they even showed their interest in the supernatural with the Nightmare in North Point DLC.
If anyone is out there reading this that has any type of power to set this thing in motion, do it! I want it, the fans want it and if done correctly the game could be gold!
Having been a fan of almost anything even remotely related to science fiction, fantasy and horror this show was too perfect for me. Seeing two badass brothers travel around the country and hunt demons, monsters and the like is incredibly entertaining. Plus, the tidbits of comedic relief really add to the characters’ development over the many episodes.
After plowing through each season (and continuing my viewing of the show weekly), I even purchased Supernatural: The Anime. Why? Because I enjoy watching anime and I enjoy watching Supernatural, and for the first time ever they were combined. However, I did lose a little respect for Jensen Ackles since he only voiced his character for the final two episodes whereas Jared Padalecki (who gained a lot of respect from me) voiced every one.
Regardless, Supernatural has been turned into many different forms of entertainment; but there is one form that is missing. Where is the Supernatural video game?! With all the content and lore provided from the television show, graphic novels, anime and novels, I am completely shocked that no company has attempted creating a video game based on this property.
Before I continue, I must warn you that I will make comparisons to other popular games. I understand that licensed games do not always fare well on the market, but I believe that if a developer takes the best parts from certain games they could have gold on their hands.
Now that I got that out of the way, imagine it now: you travel from city to city as the Winchesters, research the creature you’re hunting, switch between Dean and Sam (or incorporating some type of cooperative play) to learn as much they can and then finally vanquishing the monster from existence with the tools required!
Of course, fans of the show wouldn’t be the only interested party. While controlling the actions of the Winchesters may tickle many people’s fancy, who doesn’t enjoy taking out vampires, zombies and other creatures of the night?
To grant some freedom to the developer, another option could be the ability to create our own hunter (if done correctly). Let’s say the developers follow the route of Mass Effect, where players create their hunter but he or she is also given a voice to interact with others (maybe even the Winchesters). It could even further by giving players dialogue trees when questioning the locals about whatever gruesome scene or disappearance the hunter is investigating. And trust me; investigation needs to be an important part of gameplay.
Besides questioning people, and trying to get the right information out of them, the hunter needs to find clues. It’s the only way Sam and Dean ever find out what they’re actually going after. A system in the vein of L.A. Noire would work perfectly. There could be clues littered throughout multiple locations, and the hunter would have to examine them to discover their significance.
After finding the enough clues, the hunter would then have to check his journal and use it to decipher what creature was terrorizing the locals.
However, it would need to be difficult. That way, there is a feeling of accomplishment when you unravel the mystery. Unlike the show, the video game would not be restricted to 42 minutes. This gives developers a chance to really flesh out the case at hand and take risks the show cannot.
When it comes to combat, I feel Sleeping Dogs would give the best influence. Why? Because the game features exciting melee combat with a variety of weapons while also boasting competent third-person shooting gameplay.
The Winchesters utilize hand-to-hand combat and all sorts of weapons, including guns, to hunt evil. While not all of them would work against each monstrosity, this variety in gameplay would add greatly to replay value. Also, trying to figure out what course of action will actually work against the enemy as it tosses the hunter around the room could be extremely satisfying.
Now, since all the action could not take place in one city (unless there’s a good reason to) I believe separate, open world locations would be perfect. They do not need to be vast landscapes, just large enough to invite exploration and a change of scenery. There also should be enough room to drive the ’67 Chevy Impala; every Supernatural fan’s dream.
I understand this read may seem like a roller coaster as I jump from point to point, and it may not particularly specific, but I simply wanted to state how good a Supernatural video game could be. With all of these options it really makes me wonder why we haven’t seen one surface yet.
If anyone could do it, it would be Rockstar; but I cannot see such a high profile company spending resources on a licensed game. Another completely capable company would be United Front Games, the developer of Sleeping Dogs. I mean, they even showed their interest in the supernatural with the Nightmare in North Point DLC.
If anyone is out there reading this that has any type of power to set this thing in motion, do it! I want it, the fans want it and if done correctly the game could be gold!
SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 6
It's a trap!
Chapter 6: The Pit
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Chapter 6: The Pit
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SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 5
BOOM! Headshot!
Chapter 5: The Edge
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Chapter 5: The Edge
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Thursday, May 9, 2013
SuperGameGeek vlog - Chica bonita
There's a special lady in my life that I'd like to introduce you to: Chica. And yes, I am aware that my trick-to-treat ratio is awful.
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SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 4
Hey! Friendly fire, assholes!
Chapter 4: The Refugees
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Chapter 4: The Refugees
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SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 3
They're dropping C4 on us?! How rude!
Chapter 3: Underneath
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Chapter 3: Underneath
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Monday, May 6, 2013
SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 2
A good firefight always needs some funky tunes.
Chapter 2: The Dune
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Chapter 2: The Dune
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SuperGameGeek Plays: Spec Ops: The Line - Ch. 1
Join me on my new adventure with Captain Walker and the gang as we trek through the sand-ridden city of Dubai!
Chapter 1: The Evacuation
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Chapter 1: The Evacuation
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SuperGameGeek vlog - The dentist & Arkham Origins
In my first video blog ever I discuss my hate for dentist visits and the lack of Kevin Conroy in the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins. Enjoy!
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